2021 Miss Placer Valley
Scholarship Pageant
Pageant Information
Date: Saturday, August 7, 2021
Time: Wee/Little/Pre Teen/Jr Teen Divisions 11:00am
Teen/Ms/Mrs/Miss Divisions 4:00pm
*times subject to change
Location: TBD
Admission: Doors will open 10 minutes prior to showtime. Admission is $12 at the door or $10 pre-sale. Kids 3 and under are free.
Time: Wee/Little/Pre Teen/Jr Teen Divisions 11:00am
Teen/Ms/Mrs/Miss Divisions 4:00pm
*times subject to change
Location: TBD
Admission: Doors will open 10 minutes prior to showtime. Admission is $12 at the door or $10 pre-sale. Kids 3 and under are free.
Opening Number (not scored)
Fitness Wear
Onstage Question
Opening Number (not scored)
Fitness Wear
Onstage Question
Tentative Schedule
August 4
August 5 August 6 August 7 |
Check-In / Rehearsal
Interviews / VIP Party Rehearsal / Pizza & PJ Party Pageant Day |
Host Hotel Accommodations
People's Choice Voting
$1 per vote.
Online voting closes on August 7 at 8:00am.
Online voting closes on August 7 at 8:00am.
Pageant Fun
Below are some of our sponsors this year!